Bibliography/Fact file

Fact file of the publication

Author L. Bernaḅ Brea
Contributions by
Title Prefazione a R. MAGGI, Arene Candide. A functional and enviromental assessment of the Holocene Sequence (Excavations B. Brea-Cardini 1940-1950).
Collection/Miscellany R. Maggi. Arene Candide. A functional and enviromental assessment of the Holocene Sequence (Excavation B. Brea-Cardini 1940-1950)
Exhib. Catalogues/Periodicals/Proceedings Memorie dell'Istituto Italiano di Paleontologia Humana
Place Roma
Data N.S. V
No. of pages
Year 1997
Keywords Northern Italy, Liguria, Neolithic, Preface, Prehistory