Bibliography/Fact file

Fact file of the publication

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Author L. Bernabň Brea con M. Cavalier
Contributions by L.W.Taylour, M.Garasanin, E. Contu, M. Alessio, F. Bella, C. Cortesi, B. Turi, J.LL. Williams, T. Mannoni
Title Meliguněs Lipára IV.L'acropoli di Lipari nella preistoria
Collection/Miscellany Meliguněs Lipára
Exhib. Catalogues/Periodicals/Proceedings
Publisher Flaccovio
Place Palermo
Data IV
No. of pages Vol.Testo: pp.1-875; vol.tav. I-CCCXXII; Atlante
Year 1980
Keywords Aeolian Isles, Prehistory, Protohistory, Sicily
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